Do most of your neighbors have red Roses? These Pink Double Knock Out Roses will have them wondering where you got them. Pink Knock Out Roses have double blooms which give the flowers a lusher look than standard single blooms. These bushes are loaded with delicate, stunning flowers that bloom for most of the year! Emerging in spring, these blooms are only stopped by freezing temperatures!
Double Pink Knock Out roses are very low maintenance and disease resistant. They deadhead themselves after they bloom. We suggest that in the winter months you prune your roses and thin out the branches. This will provide more power to the plant the following season. Pruning also will make your roses stronger in the spring to support all of the blooms it will have.
How about making a staggered hedge in a natural area of your property with Pink Knock Out Roses, and then adding some in front of them to contrast the colors. Knock Out Roses are also great for planting in a raised bed. Plant in groups to give a pop of pink color.
Are you worried about Japanese beetles? Purchase a systemic insecticide and sprinkle it around the base of the plant early in the spring. It will prevent Japanese beetles and any other insects.